We all know that League Of Legends is one of the most beloved video games among fantasy-themed MOBA. It is also one of our most loved PC games! The League of Legends player count for 2021 may surprise you, but that’s not the only surprise! The game is free to play and it’s safe to say it’s quite addictive – try the Overwatch as well! We have a rundown for you to show how many people play League of Legends in 2021. This is the right place. You’re invited to check them out!
People played a lot of video games during the 2020 coronavirus lockdown! Yes, League of Legends saw an increase in interest in 2020 just like other games. We here at ReadUs247 decided to investigate and it turned out that the numbers are shocking! Have a quick look…
League Of Legends Player Count History
League of Legends is a game developed by Riot Games in 2009. It has gained a lot of popularity in recent years. It began in 2009 with just a few hundred thousand users. The game quickly gained popularity and reached 11million players in 2011. In 2014, the number of players reached 65 million. This was followed by a bigger jump to 100 million in 2017. The League of Legends player base experienced a slight decline in player count, dropping to 75 million in 2018, but it has since made a comeback with 100-120 million players in 2020.
League of Legends Player Count in 2021 (UPDATED)
Captured from activeplayer.io
League of Legends Live Monthly Player Detailed [TABLE]
Average Monthly Players
Monthly Gain / Loss
Monthly Gain / Loss %
Peak Players In a Day
Last 30 Days
July 30, 2021
June 30, 2021
May 30, 2021
April 30, 2021
March 30, 2021
February 28, 2021
January 30, 2021
December 30, 2020
November 30, 2020
October 30, 2020
September 30, 2020
August 30, 2020
July 30, 2020
June 30, 2020
May 30, 2020
April 30, 2020
March 30, 2020
February 28, 2020
January 30, 2020
December 30, 2020
November 30, 2019
October 30, 2019
September 30, 2019
August 30, 2019
July 30, 2019
June 30, 2019
May 30, 2019
April 30, 2019
March 30, 2019
February 28, 2019
January 30, 2019
November 30, 2018
League of Legends Available Platforms
Nintendo Switch
League of Legends Revenue
League of Legends Player Count (Monthly Active Players)
Just to know How Many People Play League Of Legends? League of Legends player counts in 2021 has reached 115 million active monthly users…
How Did League of Legends Popularity Rise?
LoL was very different in its beginning. Today, we have our fair match-making system and understandable gameplay. We can also use as many skins or as we like. The only thing we cannot agree on is the client. Sometimes it takes over.
Some League of Legends players might recall a time when the game was chaotic. Buggy gameplay and laggy servers were just two of the many issues that plagued players every day. How is it possible for a game like League of Legends to have such a large number of players each day?
We have to credit Riot Games for solving a large percentage of the problems. The Champions were fixed, the items were removed and replaced with newer ones, and new map features were added. We ended up with the League mode that we now have. It includes regular patch updates, bug fixes, in-depth beta testing, and frequent patch updates.
League of Legends was founded in North America. The NA server was the first to exist. The European and other servers were added almost one year later. The game’s popularity has not diminished despite all the difficulties. What is the secret to this?
We can safely say that League of Legends has made it a fantastic game. We wouldn’t be wrong, as it was a new sensation in competitive video gaming at the time. It required strategy, knowledge, and skill to compete in 5v5 PVP.
These were the foundational elements that made LoL a success in Esports. Esports made LoL even more popular than anyone could have imagined.
League of Legends Stats
1. There Were Over 2 million League of Legends Players Concurrently in June 2021
(Source: Playercounter)
For more than ten years, multiplayer online role-playing games have been a huge hit with gamers. Some people will play League of Legends for years. More than 2 million people played League of Legends in Q2 2021. This is almost 1 million more than the CS: GO player count on Steam in Q1 2021.
2. League of Legends Was Ranked #3 on Twitch in June 2021
(Source: Twitch Tracker)
This is impressive. It is the third most-watched game on Twitch, surpassing game giants Fortnite and CS: GO.
3. The Majority of League of Legends Players are from the USA and Turkey in 2021
(Source: Playercounter)
In 2021, more than 164 million Americans will play video games. It is not surprising that the majority of League of Legends players are from the US. The same goes for CS: GO or Rocket League, for instance. According to the latest Rocket League statistics, the bulk of professional Rocket League eSports players come from the US.
4. People Watched 174 million hours of League of Legends Gameplay on Twitch in May 2021
(Source: Twitch Tracker)
May 2021 was the month with the highest number of League of Legends gameplay hours viewed on Twitch in the last year. Perhaps this is why there were two League of Legends patches updated in January 2021. These patches include new skins and other items, which is enough to keep fans coming back for more. The number of LoL hours watched on Twitch has decreased slightly, but not significantly, in June 2021.
5. The Average Number of League of Legends Viewers on Twitch in April 2021 Was 222,000
(Source: Twitch Tracker)
This number has not fallen below 130K in the past year. The numbers show that League of Legends is a popular Twitch stream. There were 5.1K League of Legends streams concurrently in April 2021. Twitch also had 117 million League of Legends hours watched.
6. League of Legends’ Revenue in 2020 Was $1.75 Billion
(Source: Statista)
This isn’t the highest League of Legends revenue in the past six years. Take a look at this: the game earned more than $2B in revenue in 2017. The League of Legends fanbase’s loyalty is well-known within the gaming community – in 2011, there were 15,000,000 League of Legends players around the world.
7. League of Legends Was 2nd in eSports Popularity Worldwide in 2020.
(Source: ISPO)
Guess which one was most popular? Correct! Counter-Strike CS: GO topped the list with over 13,000 professional eSports gamers and a prize pool exceeding $102 million. League of Legends, which boasts over 7,000 players and a prize pool of more than $79 million, was the second most popular eSports video game. Fortnite, with its 4,300 players and $97 million prize pool, was #3.
Here’s a brief history of how many League of Legends have been created in the past decade.
8. 33.99% of North American League of Legends players Played at the Silver Skill level in 2020
(Source: Statista)
33.99% of North American League of Legends players played in the Silver Tier in October 2020. The Gold tier was next with 27.04% followed by the Bronze tier (22.14%) and the Platinum Tier (9.54%).
9. 42% of League of Legends Fans are Players and Viewers
(Source: Statista)
The game’s content will affect the ratio of players to viewers. 42% of League of Legends fans are players and viewers. 32% of them are players, while 26% are viewers. League of Legends can be difficult to only watch without playing. It’s impossible to resist the gameplay, which is so absorbing and varied.
10. 82% of All League of Legends Gamers are Male
(Source: Statista)
The majority of League of Legends players, according to recent demographics, are male. It is evident that the game is more appealing to men.
11. The League of Legends world championships prize money was $2.23 Million in 2020.
(Source: Statista)
2020 saw many changes in our society, and one of those was social distancing. Many eSports and sports events were canceled, and the prize pool money for many championships decreased from the previous year. League of Legends was also affected by this. In 2019, the prize pool for the LoL championships reached an astonishing $6.45million.
12. The League of Legends eSports Championship Finals Attracted a Crowd of over 100 Million Viewers in 2019
(Source: Statista)
100 million viewers watched the finals of the eSports League of Legends on the 10th anniversary of their game.
13. The Top League of Legends eSports Player has More than $1.25million as of December 2020
(Source: Statista)
South Korean player Lee Sang-hyeok, also known as Faker in League of Legends, is the highest-ranking eSports player worldwide. He has earned $1.25million from League of Legends tournaments throughout his gaming career.
League of Legends Esports Events
The question on many players’ minds is how many people play League of Legends professionally? One reason that the answer to this question may be different is that there are so many different types of leagues and tournaments for the League of Legends. Some of these tournaments have hundreds of thousands of spectators, while others only have a few hundred. The largest event of its kind, The World Championships, attracts over one million people per year.
If you want to get a glimpse of the League of Legends career path, one excellent source is the LoL stats site. This site provides a plethora of information on all facets of the game. One such statistic is the number of games played by each of the players in a certain team. The player with the most games is always listed near the top of the statistics. In this article, I will show you how many people play League of Legends, specifically the champions, in April of this year.
Interesting Facts About League of Legends
According to the official LoL site, there are 5 champions in the game. No one has yet won the title since its inception five years ago, but this year, the number of contenders is a lot smaller than usual. There are only a few players that have been in the scene for at least five years, and they have all been playing for the same team. The spring season was dominated by Longzhueral’s rise to fame as the best jungle in the league, but this has been followed by Faker’s disappointing performance at the world championship. His lack of success has caused a large rift between himself and his teammates, creating some bad blood and a potential lack of support for his teammates.
It is interesting to see how many LoL players have started to hop on the newest competitive gaming trend, CS: GO. This game has brought a huge influx of new fans from around the world. The popularity of the game has also made a lot of LoL players want to join the bandwagon, trying to claim the throne as the best CS: GO, player. One of the most popular and successful players of this year is Edward “Eli” wan, considered by many to be the best lurker in the game. His skills and determination to become the best have allowed him to win the most prestigious ESL tournaments like the ESL Frankfurt Major and the ESL Season 11 Global LAN Tournament, which placed him in the top four of our ranking.
The stats that show how many people play league of legends by monthly visitors is astonishing. At first glance, it looks like LoL has a smaller population than CS: GO, but when you look deeper, you can see that the ratio of concurrent viewers for CS: GO is way higher than LoL at present. It may be because ESL offers an amazing prize pool, giving people the chance to earn more money with every match they win. This may be exactly what attracts more people to watch LoL.
The most impressive statistic is the number of people who watched the ESL Pro League. At present, ESL has the biggest audience compared to any other tournament. If you just look at the average viewership for the last ten years, you will see that the average audience per match was about 5 million hours. That is more than the combined viewership of all the major sports combined!
Did Streamers Influence LoL’s Playerbase?
Yes! League is now the most-watched Esports title thanks to streaming. Third-party platforms such as Twitch or YouTube can reach 500000 viewers live during important events like the World Championship. Twitch’s League viewership is steady at 150000 to 200000 viewers per second during regular hours. There has been no other video game that comes close.
League of Legends vs Dota 2: The Best MOBA Games of 2021
Dota 2 and League of Legends are the top MOBA games for 2021. These games have an enormous fanbase and have been extremely popular over the past decade. While a lot has happened in the video game industry over that time, games like League of Legends and Dota 2 Minecraft have never failed to deliver. Let’s see which game is more popular in 2021 by comparing the stats of both game giants:
According to the latest Dota 2 statistics, the game is currently #13 on Twitch and the second most popular game on Steam. In November 2020, there were 714,000 Dota 2 concurrent players on Steam. League of Legends is on the other side, ranks #2 on Twitch, with 115 million active users in 2020 and 715,000 people played the game in February 2021.
League of Legends is the most popular Twitch game, but there are almost equal numbers of players of both games during the Q4 2020-Q1 2021 period.
Visit Readus247.com for more video game statistics in 2021!
So the question still remains. How many people play League of Legends? Well, it seems like the answer will never be given to us. We can only rely on statistics provided by the game’s developers to know how many people are playing this game. These numbers will always show an increase whenever the game gets more popular. When we do find a number, it will be very encouraging for the game’s developers.
The next few months will show the answer to the question: How many players play League of Legends? The answer will be given in the form of exciting news from the league’s publishers. They will release further updates and present stats which will confirm the good and bad effects of the popularity. In the coming years, we will only see great things happening in the world of League of Legends.
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