Dogs, just like people, love their sleep. A typical dog will sleep for at least 10 hours per day, not counting the several short naps they take when they are bored or tired. If you want your pet to enjoy their sleep, then getting them a good, comfortable bed is the right way to go. Of course, you’d also appreciate comfort and aesthetics, so why not offer the same to your furry best friend and see just how less cranky they get! However, most people get it wrong when they go for a dog bed, and this article covers the 3 major mistakes dog owners make when buying their pet dogs a bed.
Mistake #1: Getting the Wrong Shape
Pets have their unique sleeping position that offers them the most comfort. Some may snuggle, whereas others may just sprawl on any surface. Getting the right shape is a key consideration when choosing a dog-bed. If your dog likes to snuggle and curl, then getting a straight and rigid bed is just a wrong idea!. Get something that curves to accommodate the shape the dog sleeps in. Your pet will absolutely love you for this.
Mistake #2: Wrong Size
The worst mistake you can make is to get a smaller bed size. To your dog, this would feel like you are deliberately chasing it from your home. You can’t train a pet to like living in a small space, and it will grow more cranky and uncomfortable enough to affect its feeding habits. Measure your dog when it’s in a sleeping position and add at least 6 extra inches to it, to allow for stretching and rolling.
Mistake #3: Choosing the Wrong Fabric
The dog bed comprises the structure and the fabric. Don’t put too much attention on the structure and forget about the comfort of the fabric that will act as beddings for the dog. The fabric has to be comfortable and appealing to the dog. You probably have an idea what fabrics your dog likes from the places it likes to sleep. So you know what your dog will prefer between a nappy texture and a smooth one.
Climate and fabric go hand in hand. A warmer climate requires smoother, flimsier fabric such as silk or suede, whereas fleece and berber would go well with warmer climates. Furthemore, you can make the beddings more comfortable by using the right fabric soap and softener to remove any weird smells or scents. Some pets prefer their human’s scent and so you can add an old shirt or sweater among the beddings to help out with the adjustment.
Your pet will definitely love the new bed if you incentivize it. If it’s transferring from your bed to the dog bed, you can be sure there will be some resistance, so making sure you give it a few treats every time it chooses its own bed over yours is a nice way to make it feel loved and comfortable.