Your credit card must be active for purchases, cash withdrawals, and other transactions. Merchants won’t receive the payment if the credit card is inactive. So, when does a credit card company deactivate your card? They will deactivate it if you haven’t used the card for months or years.
Credit card issuers also block the cards of users who have missed monthly debt payments. The credit card can also become inactive when it reaches the expiration period. Have you paid or used the monthly loan payments recently but still can’t use the credit card? You must check if it is active before issuing a new card.
There are several ways to check if you have an active or inactive credit card. Credit card status checks are more accessible from an online banking account. Moreover, you can contact the credit card company’s customer care representatives to know if the card is active.
You can also visit the nearest branch to know whether you have an active credit card. Check the credit card statement to know its status. Try making a payment with your credit card. You have an active credit card if the payment is successful.
Let’s learn the easy ways to check the credit card’s active status:
Why Should You Check Your Credit Card’s Status?
Credit cards have become one of the primary modes of payment for large purchases. It is a convenient option to pay for goods, products, and services. Over 165.3 million people across the globe use credit cards. You must always check the credit card’s status before using it.
Here are the reasons why you should check your credit card status:
- Check if the credit card is working or if the bank has placed a hold on it.
- For checking the credit card activities like credits, money transfers, or purchases.
- To check the credit card’s payment details and interest rate.
- To see if someone has used the card’s transaction history fraudulently.
- For checking the late payment and other credit card warnings.
Easy Ways to Check if Your Credit Card is Active:
Checking the credit card’s status will be wise when you suspect it is inactive for some reason. Credit card companies notify the cardholders when they deactivate it. However, some issuers might not send a message or email after deactivating your credit card.
Check if your credit card is active in the following ways in such instances:
1. Check Your Online Banking Account
You can check if your credit card is active or inactive from your online banking account. This is the easiest way to check a credit card status. Credit card holders can also check the card limit, balance and other required details.
Most credit card issuers have a dedicated mobile app compatible with mobile devices. Install the credit card company’s app on your smartphone, computer or tablet. Create an account on the app, and enter your credit card number to check if it is active or inactive.
2. Contact Your Bank’s Customer Service
Contact your bank’s customer service executives if you don’t have an online banking account. Most national and international banks’ customer service is available 24*7 to help the customers. Thus, you can call them anytime to know your credit card status.
You will find your bank’s customer support number online or in chequebooks. When you contact the customer care representatives, they will ask for your credit card number. Ensure to provide the correct credit card number to know if it is active.
Some banks require your credit card’s security code, birth date and identification proofs to confirm your actual cardholder. After verifying your identity, the customer service team will share all the credit card details only. Banks do this verification to prevent unwanted credit card scams.
3. Visit the Bank
You can also visit your nearest bank branch to determine whether your credit card is active. Talk with the bank authorities, who will tell you the card’s current status. However, you must carry a photo ID card and the credit card when heading to the bank. Without valid identification proof, the bank authorities won’t disclose the credit card’s status.
4. Transfer Money to a Merchant
Credit card holders can also try making small transactions to check the card’s status. If the merchant declined your payment, then something is wrong with the credit card. Failed transactions indicate the credit card is invalid or inactive.
Here are the common reasons why credit card holders receive a failed transaction message:
- Insufficient credit card balance
- An expired credit card
- Damaged card
Does your credit card have sufficient balance and no scratches? Then, check the card’s expiration date. Most credit cards expire after 3-5 years, but it might vary from one issuer to another. Hence, your credit card is inactive if it still has 2 or more years to expire.
5. Check Your Mails
Credit card companies ask for our email address when applying for the card. They send the card statements and other important details to the provided email address. Thus, you can check if your card is active or the issuer has deactivated it by checking the emails.
Check the email notifications from your phone or laptop. Banks usually send a report within a month if there is any problem with your credit card. Look for your bank’s email from the “Unread” section and check if they have deactivated it for some reason. Contact the bank authorities and solve the problem to reactivate the credit card.
6. Check Your Credit Card Statement
Your bank sends the credit card statement every month containing information like the balance and status. Thus, checking this statement lets you easily find out if your credit card is active or inactive. If your bank deactivates the credit card for any reason, it will be listed on the statement.
However, your bank won’t mention the reason for disabling or blocking the credit card in the monthly statement. So, you must contact an authorised person from your bank to know why your credit card is inactive.
How to Stop Your Bank from Deactivating Your Credit Card?
There are many ways to stop your bank from deactivating your credit card. Continue using your credit card for purchases to keep it active. Moreover, you must make the monthly payments on time to establish credibility with the issuer.
Consider activating the automatic monthly bank payments if you must remember to pay the credit cards on time. Clear off the debts using the credit card, and it will reduce your credit utilisation rate and keep it active.
Moreover, your issuer will cancel your credit card if you miss monthly loan payments. They often deactivate the cards with low or poor credit scores. These cards remain inactive because they can be used to take further loans.
Always agree with the card company’s terms and conditions whenever they change it. The issuer will deactivate the credit card if you violate their terms and conditions. Do you have 2 or more credit cards? Ensure to use them when purchasing different items to keep them active.
Why Should You Keep Your Credit Card Active?
Keeping your credit card active can help you to build a solid credit score. You can track your monthly spending and transactions with an active credit card. Your credit card issuer will give you rewards and discounts if you use the card for 2-3 years.
Moreover, some credit card companies offer travel rewards and freebies to users with active credit cards. Do you have a year’s old credit card? Don’t close; it can affect your credit score. Keep the credit card active and use it without any hassle.