Mia Thornton, the star of The Real Housewives of Potomac, announced her separation from her husband of 11 years, Gordon Thornton, in September 2023. The couple, who have three children together, have been living separate lives for months and are not officially divorced yet. Mia has also revealed that she has a new man in her life, who is “committed” to her. Here is everything you need to know about Mia and Gordon’s separation and their current relationship status.
Latest Update from Mia Thornton on Separation from Gordon
Mia confirmed her separation from Gordon in an exclusive interview with PEOPLE in September 2023, saying that they had “grown apart” and that they were “in different places in life”. She also said that they had been separated since June 2023, but did not publicize it until later.
Mia also gave an update on her separation and her new love interest on Watch What Happens Live in December 2023, where she told host Andy Cohen that she was not engaged, but “committed” to someone new. She did not reveal the identity of her new man, but said that he was “very supportive” of her and her children. She also said that she and Gordon were not officially divorced yet, but were “separated”.
Mia Opens Up About Separation
Mia opened up about the reasons behind her separation from Gordon on Season 8 of RHOP, where she admitted that they had faced various “changes” and “tension” in their marriage. She said that Gordon’s financial troubles, which resulted from his brothers revoking his access to the company bank account, had put a strain on their relationship. She also said that they had different lifestyles and expectations, and that they had tried couple’s therapy, but it made things worse.
Mia also revealed that their marriage was not completely exclusive, and that they had done some “things” together with other people. She said that Gordon was always involved, and that it was not an open marriage, but rather an “arrangement” that they had.
Mia said that the decision to separate was mutual, and that she did not want to point the finger at herself or Gordon. She said that they had grown apart over the years, and that they wanted different things in life.
Gordon Thornton’s Involvement
Gordon has not spoken publicly about his separation from Mia, but he has been seen on RHOP discussing their marital issues with her. He also appeared on the Season 8 reunion, where he said that he still loved Mia and that he hoped for a reconciliation.
Gordon also said that he and Mia were co-parenting well, and that they were communicating well. He said that he wanted to be there for their children, and that he respected Mia’s decision to separate.
Mia and Gordon Thornton have been separated for months, but are not officially divorced yet. Mia has moved on with a new man, who is committed to her, while Gordon still hopes for a reunion with his estranged wife. The couple have been open about their separation and their marital issues on RHOP, where they have shown the ups and downs of their relationship. Mia and Gordon are still co-parenting their children, and are trying to maintain a cordial relationship.