One Day is a Netflix series based on the novel by David Nicholls. It follows the lives of Emma and Dexter, two friends who meet on their graduation day in 1988 and stay in touch for the next 20 years. The series has been praised for its emotional storytelling, realistic characters, and beautiful cinematography. But there is a sad story behind the scenes of One Day. The final episode of the series is dedicated to Justin Eely, a finishing editor who worked on the show but passed away before its release. Who was Justin Eely and why is One Day dedicated to him? This article will explore his life, his work, and his legacy.
Who Was Justin Eely?
Justin Eely was a finishing editor who worked on all 14 episodes of One Day. A finishing editor is responsible for the final touches and edits of a production, such as color correction, sound mixing, and visual effects. Justin had a long and impressive career in the film and television industry, working on over 100 different projects in more than 20 years. Some of his notable credits include The Crown, Killing Eve, Sherlock, Good Omens, and Asteroid City. He was based in London and worked for Celebration Studios, a post-production company that specializes in high-end drama and comedy.
Justin was not only a talented and experienced editor, but also a beloved colleague and friend. According to his former employer, he was someone who âanyone would want on their teamâ and who enjoyed âthe process of collaborating with the many creative people who visit his edit suite during the finishing phase of their shows.â He was also a devoted father to his eight-year-old daughter and a partner to his girlfriend. He passed away in late 2023, although the cause of his death has not been made public.
Why is âOne Dayâ Dedicated to Justin Eely?
One Day is dedicated to Justin Eely as a tribute to his work and his memory. The dedication appears at the end of the final episode, which aired on Netflix in February 2024. It reads: âIn loving memory of Justin Eely.â The showâs creators, cast, and crew wanted to honor Justinâs contributions to the series and express their gratitude and respect for him. They also wanted to share his name and his story with the viewers, who might not be aware of the behind-the-scenes roles that make a show possible.
Justinâs work on One Day was especially important and challenging, as he had to capture the essence and the evolution of the characters and their relationship over two decades. He also had to balance the different tones and styles of the show, which ranged from comedy to drama to romance. He did an excellent job of creating a seamless and engaging visual experience for the audience, while staying faithful to the source material and the vision of the director. His work was praised by critics and fans alike, who appreciated the quality and the beauty of the show.
Behind the Scenes of One Day
One Day is not the only show that has dedicated an episode or a series to an individual who worked on it. This is a common practice in the film and television industry, as a way of honoring and remembering those who have passed away during or after the production. Some examples of other shows that have done this are Glee, which dedicated its third episode of the fifth season to Cory Monteith, who played Finn Hudson; The Simpsons, which dedicated its 636th episode to Stephen Hawking, who voiced himself in several episodes; and The Big Bang Theory, which dedicated its series finale to Carol Ann Susi, who voiced Mrs. Wolowitz.
Dedicating an episode or a series to an individual is a meaningful gesture that shows the appreciation and the affection that the showâs creators, cast, and crew have for them. It also acknowledges the hard work and the passion that they put into their craft, and the impact that they had on the show and the industry. It is a way of celebrating their life and their legacy, and of sharing it with the viewers, who might not know them personally, but who enjoy and benefit from their work.
Justin Eely was a finishing editor who worked on One Day, a Netflix series based on the novel by David Nicholls. He was a talented and experienced professional, who had worked on over 100 different projects in more than 20 years. He was also a beloved colleague, friend, father, and partner, who passed away in late 2023. One Day is dedicated to him as a tribute to his work and his memory, and as a way of honoring and remembering him. His work on One Day was praised by critics and fans, who appreciated the quality and the beauty of the show. He left behind a remarkable career and a lasting legacy in the film and television industry.