Gambling possesses both the power to attract and destruct. This alludes to both the enthusiasm instigated by gambling, as well as the broader scenario of problem gambling and gambling addiction, which seizes more than 350 million players around the world. Great Britain alone contributes to more than one million problem gamblers each year.
To combat such a menacing situation, the UK Gambling Commission (UKGC) went ahead to establish a self-exclusion software, GamStop. The purpose of GamStop is to restrict, abstain, or block the user from the usage of all gambling operators for a specified time. All UKGC-licensed casinos in the UK have a partnership with GamStop, to help the potential problem gamblers.
While the features of GamStop reveal itself to be quite lucrative, it possesses certain shortcomings, which fail the entire purpose of self-exclusion mediums if a user is aiming for it. It is inconvenient for international casinos as the UKGC rules do not apply to it, which certainly focuses on the fact that a user can continue gambling on other UKGC non-licensed casinos. A user might accidentally register themselves, which bars them from the accessibility of casinos completely. Hence, understanding the workflow of GamStop, before registering is of paramount importance.
Understanding the Gamstop Workflow
GamStop is a free application and involves voluntary registration and usage, which implies that a user can register at their will. The general workflow of GamStop involves registration, followed by blocking at UKGC-licensed casinos.
The general registration process involves the user clicking on the link provided on the official GamStop website. This is followed by filling up the necessary details that are asked. The user has to put all the correct information, regarding their personal details, which should be the same as official documentation, and the player ID. The user will also be asked to choose the period of exclusion, which would bar the user from all UKGC-licensed casinos for the specified period.
It might take up to 24 hours to reflect the registered GamStop status.
Blocking UKGC-Casinos
After the active status of GamStop registration reflects, the user is completely secluded from the period of exclusion. As the user puts the information, and player ID on the casinos, he will be immediately blocked. Further, banks will also block transactions pertaining to gambling for the specified period.
What to do if you Accidentally Registered at Gamstop?
GamStop has helped the UK to a great extent in dealing with problem gambling. But at times, some users register themselves accidentally but wish to keep on playing for their entertainment as GamStop might ban several online games involving gambling info. Several alternatives are available in that situation such as customer help, and resorting to other mediums. Eventually, if all such incentives fail, the user might simply have to wait till the exclusion period is over.
Customer Support System
GamStop provides a customer support system, which clarifies all the queries of the user, who is about to register, or has already registered and seeks withdrawal. Both the email id and customer helpline contact is available at the official website of GamStop.
Joining Other Casinos (Non GamStop Ones)
There are tons of other casinos, which provide significant offers to the players. It involves non-GamStop CasinoGap websites, online casinos outside the United Kingdom and several online gaming centres. To fulfil their entertainment zeal, a user can easily join such alternatives, if they have not registered themselves on other GameStop alternatives.
Some of the credible offshore agencies are Malta Gaming Authority, Gambling Commission of Great Britain, Government of Gibraltar, Costa Rica gaming License, Antigua and Barbuda gaming license, etc.
This is the last means that a user has to rely on. The period of exclusion extends from six months to five years, depending upon what period the user has chosen. After the period of exclusion is over, the user can again gain access to all other casinos, and keep on playing at their will.
Alternatively, you could indulge in Video games, which are equally trending. The Video game industry is estimated at $159.3 billion in 2020 and is expected to explode to a staggering $268 billion by 2025.
Concluding Thoughts
There is often a behavioural trait in compulsive gambling, and gambling addicts, that will resort to all other means that are available at hand for gambling. Since GamStop is limited only to UKGC-licensed casinos without covering worldwide venues, a user might register themselves as other alternatives of GamStop such as Gamban, Gamblock, Betblocker etc.
If they wish to completely abstain from gambling, and get rid of the problem traits. Some of this alternative software also comes with mental counselling. Proper medical help and expert guidance can help a problem gambler to get rid of gambling addiction completely.