Jujutsu Kaisen is a popular manga and anime series that features a world where curses and sorcerers exist. The story follows Yuji Itadori, a high school student who becomes the host of the powerful curse Ryomen Sukuna after swallowing one of his fingers. He joins the Tokyo Jujutsu High School, where he learns to use cursed energy and fight against evil curses. Along the way, he meets many other characters who have different levels of strength and abilities.
In this article, we will rank the 11 strongest characters in Jujutsu Kaisen anime till now, based on their feats, skills, and potential.
The Power of Cursed Energy in Jujutsu Kaisen
Before we start the ranking, let us briefly explain the concept of cursed energy in Jujutsu Kaisen. Cursed energy is the energy that flows within all living beings, and it is influenced by their emotions and thoughts. Curses are the manifestations of negative emotions and fears of humans, and they can use cursed energy to harm people. Sorcerers are humans who can manipulate cursed energy and use it for various purposes, such as creating techniques, enhancing their physical abilities, or exorcising curses. There are different types of techniques that sorcerers can use, such as innate techniques, inherited techniques, barrier techniques, and simple domain techniques. Some sorcerers also have special abilities or traits that make them stand out from the rest, such as the Six Eyes, the Heavenly Restriction, or the Reverse Cursed Technique.
The strength of a character in Jujutsu Kaisen depends on many factors, such as the amount and quality of their cursed energy, the type and versatility of their techniques, their combat experience and intelligence, their physical and mental endurance, and their compatibility with their opponents. Therefore, the ranking is not absolute and may change depending on the situation and the development of the characters. Without further ado, let us begin the countdown.
Top 11 Strongest Characters in Jujutsu Kaisen (Ranked)
11. Yoshinobu Gakuganji
Yoshinobu Gakuganji is the principal of the Kyoto Jujutsu High School and one of the three strongest sorcerers in Japan. He is a veteran sorcerer who has been active for over a hundred years, and he is proficient in using cursed energy and barrier techniques. He wields a guitar-like weapon that can amplify his cursed energy and create powerful sound waves that can damage his enemies. He also has a high level of physical strength and durability, as he was able to survive a direct hit from Jogo’s meteor attack. He is ranked 11th because he has not shown much of his full potential yet, and he seems to be more focused on the politics and traditions of the jujutsu world than on fighting.
10. Kento Nanami
Kento Nanami is a grade 1 sorcerer and a former colleague of Satoru Gojo. He is a calm and rational sorcerer who uses his cursed energy to create a technique called Ratio, which allows him to divide anything into a ratio of 7:3 and cut through it with ease. He also has a high level of combat skills and experience, as he was able to fight against Mahito and hold his own for a while. He is ranked 10th because he has a limit to his cursed energy and stamina, and he tends to be overwhelmed by stronger opponents.
9. Choso
Choso is one of the Death Paintings, a group of cursed spirits that were born from the wombs of sorcerers. He is the eldest brother of the group, and he has a strong sense of loyalty and affection for his siblings. He uses his cursed energy to create a technique called Blood Manipulation, which allows him to control his own blood and the blood of others. He can use his blood to create weapons, projectiles, shields, or even clones of himself. He also has a high level of physical strength and speed, as he was able to match Yuji Itadori in hand-to-hand combat. He is ranked 9th because he has a weakness in fire and heat, and he can be affected by emotional manipulation.
8. Hanami
Hanami is one of the special grade cursed spirits that work under Mahito. He is a nature-loving curse that wants to destroy humanity and restore the balance of the natural world. He uses his cursed energy to create a technique called Nature Manipulation, which allows him to control plants and animals. He can use his technique to create vines, branches, flowers, roots, or even animal-like appendages that can attack, defend, or heal him. He also has a high level of durability and regeneration, as he was able to survive the attacks of Maki Zenin, Toge Inumaki, and Megumi Fushiguro. He is ranked 8th because he has a weakness to poison and toxins, and he can be overpowered by stronger techniques.
7. Mahito
Mahito is one of the special grade cursed spirits that work under Kenjaku. He is a curse that represents the hatred and fear of humans towards each other, and he enjoys playing with the lives and souls of people. He uses his cursed energy to create a technique called Idle Transfiguration, which allows him to manipulate his own soul and the souls of others. He can use his technique to change his appearance, size, and shape, or even create new body parts or abilities. He can also use his technique to transform humans into mutated curses, or even fuse with other curses to increase his power. He is ranked 7th because he has a high level of intelligence and creativity, and he is constantly evolving and learning new skills.
6. Jogo
Jogo is one of the special grade cursed spirits that work under Kenjaku. He is a curse that represents the fear of natural disasters, such as volcanoes and earthquakes. He uses his cursed energy to create a technique called Disaster Flames, which allows him to control fire and earth. He can use his technique to create flames, lava, rocks, or even meteors that can cause massive destruction. He also has a high level of physical strength and durability, as he was able to fight against Satoru Gojo and survive his attacks. He is ranked 6th because he has a low level of intelligence and strategy, and he can be easily outsmarted or tricked by his enemies.
5. Suguru Geto
Suguru Geto is a former grade 1 sorcerer and the leader of the cursed spirit group. He is a traitor who wants to create a world where only sorcerers and curses can exist, and he is willing to kill anyone who opposes him. He uses his cursed energy to create a technique called Cursed Spirit Manipulation, which allows him to control and use the abilities of any cursed spirit he has collected. He can use his technique to summon, store, combine, or even create new curses that can suit any situation. He also has a high level of intelligence and charisma, as he was able to gather many followers and allies. He is ranked 5th because he has a weakness in anti-curse techniques, and he can be overwhelmed by stronger curses.
4. Toji Fushiguro
Toji Fushiguro is the father of Megumi Fushiguro and a former member of the Zenin clan. He is a sorcerer who was born without any cursed energy, and he was treated as an outcast by his family. He uses his lack of cursed energy as an advantage, as he can bypass any curse or technique that relies on cursed energy detection. He also has a high level of physical strength, speed, reflexes, and senses, as he was able to kill many sorcerers and curses with ease. He wields a special weapon called the Inverted Spear of Heaven, which can negate any cursed energy it touches. He is ranked 4th because he has a high level of skill and experience, and he can fight against anyone regardless of their power level.
3. Yuta Okkotsu
Yuta Okkotsu is a grade 0 sorcerer and a former student of the Tokyo Jujutsu High School. He is a special case who became the host of the powerful curse Rika Orimoto, his childhood friend who died in an accident. He uses his cursed energy to create a technique called Rika: The Queen of Curses, which allows him to control and use the abilities of Rika. He can use his technique to create barriers, weapons, and shields, or even transform Rika into different forms that can suit any situation. He also has a high level of potential and growth, as he was able to master his technique and become one of the strongest sorcerers in a short period of time. He is ranked 3rd because he has a high level of power and versatility, and he can fight against any curse or sorcerer.
2. Ryomen Sukuna
Ryomen Sukuna is the King of Curses and the main antagonist of the series. He is a legendary curse that was once a human sorcerer who had four arms and two faces. He was the strongest sorcerer in history, and he was able to create and use any technique he wanted. He was killed and his body was divided into 20 fingers, which became the source of his power and curse. He is currently sealed inside Yuji Itadori, and he can take over his body whenever he wants. He uses his cursed energy to create a technique called Cursed Technique Lapse: Maximum Cursed Energy Output, which allows him to unleash his full power and curse. He can use his technique to create slashes, explosions, domains, or even revive the dead. He also has a high level of intelligence and charisma, as he is able to manipulate and deceive many people and curses. He is ranked 2nd because he has a high level of power and influence, and he can challenge anyone in the jujutsu world.
1. Satoru Gojo
Satoru Gojo is the strongest sorcerer in the world and the teacher of Yuji Itadori, Megumi Fushiguro, and Nobara Kugisaki. He is a descendant of the Gojo clan, which is the most prestigious and powerful clan in the jujutsu world. He possesses a rare trait called the Six Eyes, which allows him to see and control the flow of cursed energy. He uses his cursed energy to create a technique called the Limitless, which allows him to manipulate the space and the infinity between himself and anything else. He can use his technique to create barriers, shields, portals, or even distort reality. He also has a special domain technique called the Infinite Void, which exposes his enemies to limitless information and renders them unable to act. He is ranked 1st because he has a high level of power and invincibility, and he can defeat anyone with ease.
Jujutsu Kaisen is a series that showcases a diverse and dynamic cast of characters, each with their own strengths and weaknesses. The ranking of the 11 strongest characters in Jujutsu Kaisen anime till now is based on our analysis and opinion, and it may change as the story progresses and the characters develop.
We hope you enjoyed reading this article and learned something new about the power of cursed energy and the techniques of the characters. Thank you for your time and attention.