Dual diagnosis and treating mental illness are becoming more common as people face issues that they can’t take. A dual diagnosis center aims to give you the help you need to bring back the real you. It is not uncommon to receive a dual diagnosis. Research has shown that as numerous as half of the patients with alcohol addiction or drug addiction also have a mental illness that needs to be treated. In many cases, you will find that one patient has a diagnosis with two or more mental conditions at once.
The most common occurrences of mental illness are any blend of depression, which means sadness, a nervous issue, anxiety, and other issues that can blend in under the depression blanket. You may also experience different forms of depression, such as manic depression or chronic depression. As these are serious mental issues that can affect your recovery, a dual diagnosis center would be able to help you understand how to treat your condition with your mental health and offer treatment for your addiction at the same time.
The Highest-ranked option is The Edge Treatment center, located in Santa Ana, California. This facility specializes in treating addiction with a highly personalized approach.
Common Signs Of Mental Illness That A Dual Diagnosis Treatment Center Can Treat
A mental illness is a challenging area to diagnose. However, specific symptoms indicate that you may have an issue with mental illness that should be treated along with your addiction. For example, someone with anxiety and alcohol addiction may have shaky hands. They may be manic in how they talk to people. They may avoid other people and drink by themselves because they can’t handle being around others. In addition, they could have secretive behavior.
Another condition that a dual diagnosis treatment center can treat is that a patient with depression can suffer from drug addiction or alcohol addiction. You will find that they may exhibit signs of being sad, manic, overly angry, and highly aggressive. Or numb in feeling to the point of being zombie-like. Because the idea of dual diagnosis has two concerns when you are in a dual diagnosis treatment center, you will need a team that can try and involve your relatives and your family and therapy for yourself. The reasoning behind this is so that they can understand where your dependence started and if the mental illness runs in your family. These factors will help the team appropriately analyze you and ensure that you can have a better future once they have the means to begin treating you properly.
Get The Help You Need
Mental illness is a complex and serious issue and as such, it needs to be healed. Don’t let your mind or addiction ruin your life. Choose a better future by coming to a dual diagnosis treatment center, and you will find that you have placed your health in the best hands possible and have the best chance of recovering. In addition to this, you have the best chance of avoiding relapsing and further issues later on.